Optimize your life – Home working, Ergonomics & Design

Tag: Tagofficespace

  • THO-Make_a_Small_Office_Look_Bigger

    How to Make a Small Office Look Bigger (Some Great Tips!)

    Well, size isn’t everything! Let’s be brutally honest, a bigger one, most of the time, is better than a smaller one… office that is! But for those of us that don’t have a huge office, there are ways you can maximise it’s look and feel to at least make your office seem bigger. I’m not…

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  • THO-How_to_Calculate_Home_Office_Space

    How to Calculate Home Office Space

    This is the second of two articles which will guide you through going from a laptop couch-potato, to a home based entrepreneur in the making. The first article, if you haven’t seen it, takes you through the process of finding space for a home office. If you have read that one, welcome back! Step 2…

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  • THO-How_to_Find_Space_for_a_Home_Office

    How to Find Space for a Home Office – Without Moving Home

    How do I find space for a home office? The short answer is to perform a review of your home to understand what space there is; and then to assess if any rooms could be re-purposed, what furniture could be sacrificed to create space, or what outbuildings could be converted. Proceed with drawing up a…

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